Pam Cannon
Mapping Director
Linn County GIS/Mapping Department
315 Main St., Box 350
Mound City, Kansas 66056
(913) 795-2167 – Office
(913) 795-2889 – Fax
Office Hours – 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Monday thru Friday
Carol Klopfenstein
If you are having trouble with your address, click the Online Parcel Maps link above and search for your Address. If your address is not shown in the correct location on the map or it can’t find your address, contact the Linn County GIS/Mapping Department at 913-795-2167. If your address is shown correctly on the Online Parcel Maps link above, but you are having trouble getting packages delivered, you can click the link below and report your issue. Many internet mapping companies use their data instead of obtaining local data. If you are having trouble getting packages delivered to your situs address you can report the mapping problems affecting GPS Devices, Apps and Maps at:
The GIS / Mapping Department is responsible for providing accurate detailed maps of various features and data-sets in Linn County. Contact our office for information on high resolution, large format printed maps. We also have digital map files available, and we can produce custom maps for any area of Linn County.