Physical Assessments
Physical assessments may be
scheduled Monday-Friday by
appointment only.
Day Care physicals and school entry physicals
(not sports physicals) are available to all
children regardless of income or insurance
status. Insurance may be charged if available. If
you do not have insurance, payment is due at
the time of service. The Linn County Health
Department offers a sliding scale for those who
are uninsured.
Kan Be Healthy physicals are available for
children up to 21 years of age with a current
Medicaid or HealthWave Medical Card. Physical
includes head to toe physical assessment,
vision and hearing screening, dental screening,
hemoglobin (test for anemia), blood lead test
(under 6 years of age), diabetes test if indicated,
and urine testing. Basic health and nutrition
education are provided during the assessment.
If there are any immunizations needed, they can
be given during the visit for an additional fee.